Delayed Blindness testing

Delayed Blindness testing

Delayed blindness (DB) is now available as a commercial test for processing at the Neogen lab in Australia (through PBB).

Stand-alone DB test only - $36.00+GST per sample.

Complete the Neogen DNA application for new samples here:

DOWNLOAD DNA Application Form »

There is also the possibility to retest existing samples already at Neogen.

Please note – samples will be genetic tested in the first instance e.g. on the Hereford SNP bundle, followed by DB testing or MD/DB testing (as standalone tests). Please allow for an extended turnaround time.

There is also the possibility to retest existing samples already at Neogen.

If your animals require DB testing using existing samples - complete the Neogen DNA application (as above), with the animal’s SNP case number included in the “barcode’’ column.PBB DNA Team
P:06 323 4484